Sunday, October 11, 2009

Metal Detector Challenge Introduction & About Me

Hi all, my name is Brad. I am a 34 year old male living in Sydney Australia. I have been Metal Detecting for a little over a year now, and believe I have found a hobby for life.
Last week I had the honour of having lunch with a couple who quit their jobs and survive exclusively from what they find with their Metal Detectors. I thought this was absolutely amazing. The couple have been doing this for 8 years now, and work up to 7 days a week. We swapped lots of Metal Detecting stories, and I could tell by their enthusiasm that still to this day, they enjoy every second they are out Metal Detecting.
This gave me the inspiration to start the "30 Day Challenge". For the next 30 Days, I will attempt to live solely on what I find Metal Detecting. The plan is to detect 5 times a week for 7 hour shifts. I know this won't be easy, and the weather could easily ruin this. But I will do my best. Some of you may ask, how I have the time to do this?? Don't worry, I am not doing anything silly like quitting my job. I make a living from my Internet based business which is mostly automated. I have employees in Manila who do a great job running things. So for me to Metal Detect at night, and take care of emails during the day is not much of a problem.
As for living expenses, without publicising all my financials I will be attempting to cover rent, food and car. Rent alone is $420 per week, which I split 50/50 with my partner. So I need to find at least $210 a week just to cover rent! I hope you all enjoy my adventure..


  1. Hay Brad, just got back from a few weeks out of Sydney and have come across your “project” I think with the hours you will put in, you will most likely be able to meet your one month target. I might see you out and about in the next few weeks. GOOD LUCK


  2. Thanks Mike, give me a call when your you know I am out every night Sunday to Thursday :)
